ac mold

How to Prevent Indoor Mould Growth?

ac-moldsNot only are moulds at home unsightly, they can also cause various illnesses. In humid places like Dubai, they seem to grow everywhere you look and when you’re not looking. Fret not. There are services for mold remediation Dubai residents can avail. Indoor mold growth can be easily prevented too through these simple measures:

1. Dry spills and wet areas instantly. Spills are daily occurrences especially if you have kids. Whether it is on the carpet, tiled floor, or sofa, it should be dried within 24-48 hours. To dry a carpet or sofa, just put salt on the wet spot and leave overnight then dry with vacuum. Salt can suck liquid on fabrics. Quickly wipe dry surfaces that often get wet like kitchen work benches and bathroom floor.

2. Maintain your indoor cooling units. The use of air conditioning system can reduce moisture in the air but if neglected, some of its components like its coils, drain pans, air filters, and outdoor air damper can become breeding places of molds. AC units can also diffuse the AC molds Dubai homes harbor. Hence, ensure that your AC system is always clean. You or an AC mould remediation Dubai professional can do this every six to 12 months.

3. Reduce indoor humidity. Use a de-humidifier. Ventilate as needed. When cooking, washing dishes, or taking a shower, use exhaust fans or open windows. Appliances that produce moisture or water vapor like stoves, clothes dryer and kerosene heater should be vented to the outside. Insulate water pipes and other cold surface areas.